There are several ways to increase your online earnings, but earning money while listening to your favorite music is incredible. Music Xray is a platform where artists can submit their music directly to the music Industry Professionals.
Also, it is a website that pays you to listen to music. You ask, What's the catch? Well there is no catch. Music Xray is trying to build the best way for music fans to discover their new music and bands they might appreciate. They also imagined a great way to pay fans a little bit money for their time and attention.
Think of it as music advertising. But the musicians behind the songs are not just playing their music out there to everyone. That does not work especially on the internet. Music fans expect to be targeted and the musicians don't want to waste their resources by targeting the wrongs fans.
Music Xray is in charge of targeting music to the fans taste. The better job Music Xray does, the more music you'll discover that you the fan will like and the happier the musicians will be when Music Xray pairs them up with fans that like their music. You hear so many songs that you will like, but not every band you hear you will like. Many of the bands you hear are just starting out and may not be quite ready for prime time. But that's alright. You can skip their songs after 30 seconds of listening to it and still be compensated.
When you do hear something you really like, Music Xray hopes you will support the band or artist by becoming a fan or by leaving a tip.
Step 1:
Open a Free Account as a music fan. Tell Music Xray about yourself and your favorite music.
Open a Free Account as a music fan. Tell Music Xray about yourself and your favorite music.
Step 2:
If you don't use any music apps on Facebook, just write out the names of your favorite bands.
If you don't use any music apps on Facebook, just write out the names of your favorite bands.
(US & Europe Only)
#ViggleApp, #MusicXray, #MakeMoneyOnline, #FastCash, #FreeMoney, #GetPaidToListenToMusic